Tuesday, September 17, 2013

How To Relax On A Business Trip

World Travel Agency the World RTW -family activities Budget Travel Business Trip

A business trip is always hard work but the secret of a successful trip is to relax as well as work hard.


One of the best things about a business trip is that most of the costs will be born by your employer. If you're going to a totally new destination and spending a few days there, try to carry out some research and see how you can enjoy yourself in the evening.

It's important at this stage to see if your company will cover entertainment as well as accommodation expenses. It's also vital to make sure that you have sufficient business travel insurance.

The last thing that anyone wants on a business trip is a delayed flight or train journey or to lose their laptop. Insurance may compensate for these calamities.


The first thing that you should do is make sure you have packed all the relevant memory sticks and documents that you'll need on your journey. Panic before a trip could produce chaos, and that's never relaxing. Ensure you have sufficient currency as well as credit cards and keep your passport in a safe place at all times.

If you are traveling for your company overseas remember that you are there primarily for the sake of the company but this shouldn't preclude the opportunity to carry out some evening sightseeing.

For example, if you're traveling to Europe most representatives of these countries are superb hosts and you should make them aware that you'd like to see a bit of their local city. Try and learn a few phrases in your hosts' native language. This will help you at a company function and may even help your business flourish.


A massage and spa at your hotel shouldn't be considered out of the ordinary these days. Most business class establishments will be able to provide them and these facilities will help you unwind after a meeting packed day.

Access to a gym to start your day will also help you put your best foot forward. It's always tempting to hit the mini bar when away from home but if possible try to restrict your drinking. It's very difficult to concentrate with a hangover and doesn't reflect very well on your company either.
(Header Image Courtesy of {Clément}.)

Related reading:  Are you an Ongoing Traveler?


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