Friday, March 29, 2013

Want To Touch The Sky? Fly to 5 Great Destinations

World Travel Agency - Budget Travel Around the Wrold RTW - flights

"What a Wonderful World..." sang once  Louis Armstrong. And in deed, this world is not only wonderful but also amazing.

To fly to great locations is a great pleasure. I myself, love flights!  Flying is a great experience in itself. Flying does not have to be the leisure of the rich any more.  There are tones of online sites to find great and affordable deals, especially if you take flight in Asia,  and you may check as well  I have listed five destinations which in my opinion are best places that you can't miss in your lifetime. All most all of this places will fit into your budget.

Okavango Delta, Botswana
Of all the wildlife sanctuaries in Africa, why this one? It is because you can get to see wildlife at a close range from a jeep, but in this park you get to see them from Morocco. What is that ? It is a traditional canoe in which you will sway through the grass filled delta and get a close look at animals. Therefore, the best time to visit the place is when the flood is at its peak and the 16000 square kilometer of delta is covered in water. Well if you hold your life too dear, don't go!

Cape Horn, Chile
It is the south most tip of South America. Just get the images of it from the Internet. You can get on top of any one of the wave hitting rocks with a sailor cap on your head and expect a Pirates of the Caribbean ship to pick you up. The sharp cliffs and steep rock walls will bring out the adventurer in you. Well, you are not allowed to climb atop most of the rocks because it is too dangerous, but it is not illegal to climb them inside your head!

Giza, Egypt
I cannot give enough reasons why you should visit this place. I personally call this a Wonder of all wonders. The archaeological details that unravel many ancient mysteries will temp you to become a tomb raider! The astronomical data of the ancient Egyptians will knock the wing out of you. The three great pyramids of Giza are located proportionately at the same distance as how the three stars of the Orion's belt appear to be. The very mystical ambiance will take you 4000 years ago. Of all the historic locations a person can visit, this is the top one. Maybe the second is Machu Picchu and the third is Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro.

World Travel Agency - Budget Travel Around the Wrold RTW - flights

Oirase mountain steam, Japan
This is paradise. Seriously, it is paradise. You can take your camera and click it randomly and it will look like a painting. The shallow stream descending from the mountain is tranquilizing and divine.
You can visit it round the year. Even in fall, it is beautiful!

Jabal al Lawz, Saudi Arabia
Well, for this location, I need to give a very precise introduction. Well, Regardless if you are a believer or not,  some believe that is where the Bible comes to life. According to that, this is the famous Mount Sinai that is mentioned in the Bible. You can see the black tipped summit of the mountain, which is claimed because God descended on it in a smoke. You can see the split rock from where water came out, from which the Hebrews drank. You can see a whole lot of evidence for the Biblical story of Exodus. On the same note, there is an another location in the Sinai desert called Jebel Musa (in Arabic "Moses' Mountain") where it is believed that is the actual Mount Sinai. Where the real location is, no one real knows.

So enjoy your flights and, of course, the destinations.

Related Post: How To Survive A Long Flight With Kids


  1. Cool, been to a couple of these locations already - need to check the rest out!
