Friday, February 22, 2013

Staying Healthy On The Road Part 5 - Traveling with Medications

Almost everyone is a little sick all the time, either afflicted with a permanent condition or waylaid by a temporary one.
In the first case, you should always bring more than enough regular-basis medication on your trip, ideally more than you need to last you throughout your journey because things happen and things get lost or broken. And if your medical health depends on it, better to be safe – that stuff isn’t heavy. If your meds are given to you in a limited supply, set up a location where you can have them shipped. Make sure you carry them in the original pharmacy packaging and bring the prescription if you have it. If there’s any doubt whether the drugs were prescribed legally, you’ll have your proof.
If you’re traveling with vitamins or anti-illness pills, make sure you carry them in their original packaging as well. Transporting pills or medicine in unnamed containers will inevitably raise suspicion when passing through airport security, causing you easily avoidable hassle and delays.

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