Saturday, November 24, 2012

Staying Healthy On The Road Part 4 - Sex And Sexually Transmitted Diseases

AIDS and other STDs are the most common serious illnesses sexually active travelers encounter on the road. In countries where prostitution and sex tourism make up a large part of the local economy, you should be very cautious and always always use protection when indulging. Because you never know. Even if you’re just out to get lucky at a backpackers nightclub, treat him or her as a danger to your health. Drunk or not, you will be sorry to let your caution (or your thingy) slip.
Many countries have very strict laws governing prostitution and the businesses associated with it. And sex with minors is very serious business in developing countries. Troubles and pitfalls lurk around every corner where sexual activity is involved. If you know yourself and can’t resist these things, prepare yourself ahead of time. Here’s a great resource listing some 100 countries and their laws regarding prostitution. Do yourself a favor and defend yourself with knowledge.
Health and arrest aren’t the only dangerous aspects of indulging in sexual practice when you’re traveling. Nefarious types love to prey on those desperate souls getting involved for the first, or whateverth, time. Ripoff and scam artists are as common as the day is long. Follow your gut reaction. If a situation is sketchy, avoid it. Just say no. Go to the next bar and try your luck there.
Finally, contraceptives may not be readily available locally, so don’t forget to pack your willie warmers!

Related posts:

Staying Healthy On The Road Part 3 - Diarrhea


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