Saturday, November 24, 2012

Staying Healthy On The Road Part 4 - Sex And Sexually Transmitted Diseases

AIDS and other STDs are the most common serious illnesses sexually active travelers encounter on the road. In countries where prostitution and sex tourism make up a large part of the local economy, you should be very cautious and always always use protection when indulging. Because you never know. Even if you’re just out to get lucky at a backpackers nightclub, treat him or her as a danger to your health. Drunk or not, you will be sorry to let your caution (or your thingy) slip.
Many countries have very strict laws governing prostitution and the businesses associated with it. And sex with minors is very serious business in developing countries. Troubles and pitfalls lurk around every corner where sexual activity is involved. If you know yourself and can’t resist these things, prepare yourself ahead of time. Here’s a great resource listing some 100 countries and their laws regarding prostitution. Do yourself a favor and defend yourself with knowledge.
Health and arrest aren’t the only dangerous aspects of indulging in sexual practice when you’re traveling. Nefarious types love to prey on those desperate souls getting involved for the first, or whateverth, time. Ripoff and scam artists are as common as the day is long. Follow your gut reaction. If a situation is sketchy, avoid it. Just say no. Go to the next bar and try your luck there.
Finally, contraceptives may not be readily available locally, so don’t forget to pack your willie warmers!

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Staying Healthy On The Road Part 3 - Diarrhea

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Staying Healthy On The Road Part 3 - Diarrhea

The most common illness you’ll face on the road is likely to be traveler’s diarrhea, (aka, Montezuma’s Revenge, Delhi Belly, etc). With different food options available than you’re used to, it’s pretty much inevitable that you’ll have to deal with an upset stomach at some point on your trip.  Avoiding uncooked and unpeeled fruits and vegetables might help increase your chances of staying diarrhea free, but if you do get sick, dehydration is the major danger. Make sure to rest and drink lots of water! If you’re sick for more than a day or two, seek medical attention.
Travelers’ diarrhea is the most common illness affecting travelers. Each year between 20%-50% of international travelers, an estimated 10 million people, develop diarrhea at some point.

Avoiding Traveler’s Diarrhea
  • Boiled or bottled water only, no ice
  • Cooked foods only, piping hot
  • Cooked vegetables only
  • Peeled fruits only, peeled by you
  • Avoid foods prepared by street vendors
  • Avoid unpasteurized dairy & cheese
Treatment of Traveler’s Diarrhea
  • Antibiotics are the principle elements in the treatment of traveler’s diarrhea.
  • Antimotility agents (Imodium, kaopectate) provide symptomatic relief, and serve as useful adjuncts to antibiotics.
Another way to avoid a diarrhea illness is to simply wash your hands. Do it on a regular basis with soap and water or use an alcohol based hand gel (at least 60% alcohol). This could be the difference between having a sickness-free trip or bailing early due to something unforeseen in your gut.
The Sun
The sun can be your best friend and your worst enemy. Though it may not be the most dangerous illness that can befall you, it is important to your health in the long run. It’s as simple as this: bring your sunscreen everywhere you go and use it. Be judicious on how often and how much to use. Base it on your level of exposure. In the mountains, snow can amplify the amount of UV radiation you’re exposed to. And don’t forget, even on overcast days a sunburn is still possible.
Since sunburn and skin cancer is universal these days, you should be able to find sunscreen quite ubiquitously in countries where fair skinned people exist. In central and eastern African nations sunscreen may be scarce so look to large local pharmacies, airports or tourist shops. Stock up—on a safari you may not find any for days.
The Feet
Comfortable shoes are a must-have if you’ll be doing a lot of walking, which, unless you’re royalty, you probably will. Bring at least one pair of thick-soled shoes or boots. Cobblestones will ding your tender little heels in no time, not to mention the perils of spontaneous trekking. Thinking you can get by with a pair of sandals your entire trip may be a little naïve no matter what that hostel guy said.

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Staying Healthy On The Road Part 2 - Insects

Staying Healthy On The Road Part 1- Immunizations

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Staying Healthy On The Road Part 2 - Insects

Mosquitoes are a menace. Possibly the most annoying of all insects, they also transport disease, cause painful, itchy welts and generally irritate the hell out of people. Insect repellent can be an absolute lifesaver in places where mosquitoes exist. There’s nothing more likely to kill a good mood than a swarm of these flying vampires. When traveling outside of the city, it’s always a good idea to keep at least a small bottle of repellent on your person at all times. You never know where you’ll encounter standing water and inevitably this little flying horror-show. The best application technique I’ve found is the spray-on method. This provides the easiest method and most coverage, especially on those hard-to-reach body parts. Repellent can save you from other dangerous insects as well.
Here’s a run-down on what’s best in terms of repellent products, defense and application. (Spoiler: it’s DEET)

Insect Repellents

Most experts agree that insect repellents containing DEET (N,N-diethylmetatoluamide) are the most reliable and long-lasting. DEET repels mosquitoes, ticks, and other arthropods when applied to the skin or clothing.
  • DEET formulations 30- 50% are recommended for both adults and children over 2 months of age.
  • When using sunscreen, apply sunscreen first and then repellent.
  • Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants tucked into socks, and hats to cover exposed skin.
  • Inspect your body and clothing for ticks during outdoor activity and at the end of the day. Wear light-colored or white clothing so ticks can be more easily seen.
  • Apply permethrin or other insect repellents, to clothing, shoes, tents, mosquito nets, and other gear for greater protection. Permethrin-treated clothing is effective for up to 5 washings.
  • Be aware that mosquitoes that transmit malaria are most active between dusk and dawn. Stay in air-conditioned or well-screened housing, and/ or sleep under an insecticide treated bed net.

Insects & The Diseases They Transmit

  • Fleas — Plague, Rickettsial Fevers, Tunga penetrans
  • Flies — Leishmaniasis, River Blindness, Ricketssial Fevers, African Sleeping Sickness
  • Kissing Bugs — Chagas Disease
  • Mosquitoes — Chikungunya, Dengue, Filariasis, Japanese Encephalitis , Malaria, Yellow Fever
  • Ticks — Lyme Disease, Tickborne Encephalitis, Viral Hemorrhagic Fever
Find out more about the insect-borne illnesses  Dengue Fever

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Staying Healthy On The Road Part 1- Immunizations

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Staying Healthy On The Road Part 1- Immunizations

When traveling internationally, be sure your immunizations are up to date. Some countries require proof of immunization for entry. The most common one that requires documentation is the yellow fever vaccine. Many international travelers get immunized for Hepatitis A and B as well.
If you’re unsure of what immunizations you’ll need for your particular trip, the best idea is to check with the experts at Center for Disease Control. Their wisdom can be found online at The CDC should be your go-to source for what inoculations you’ll need for the destinations on your itinerary and also what anti-malarial requirements that may exist for the countries you’re visiting. The CDC also lists health hazards in different world regions—a resource your doctor may even turn to for advice of his own.
If you’re not sure what reservoir, swamp or jungle you’ll end up being close to, most major cities have special travel health clinics to get immunizations, advice and information locally. Search you destination in the ISTM global clinic directory here. Over 65 countries are represented.
If all that is not available to you, contact your primary doctor. He or she can should be able assist you by email or phone.